Thursday, November 8, 2018

Fakest news yet

In the video you can see Acosta's hand come down. You can see her react to his resistance. You can hear him say to her “Excuse me” while he keeps the microphone. His tone does not express solicitude. Her balance is affected. The video is very clear: it happened.

CNN denies it happened.

This is surely the fakest new yet. CNN even provides a link — which shows the interaction. But notice that the video CNN puts up looks like it isn’t from quite the same angle as the one I linked above, which shows things very clearly. You can see his hands better in the video than in the CNN link. My link above seems higher resolution video too. Funny that.


Acosta: “I didn’t put my hands on her or touch her as they are alleging.” Here. That's a lie.

So, this is CNN straight up lying. Challenge to CNN: interview the intern.
Acosta is also straight up lying. Challenge to Acosta: interview the intern.

UPDATE: A good take from the BBC. ‘Mistouch’ is a cute euphemism; but wasn’t that part of the rudeness? Trump called him rude after the interaction with the intern.

How could there be a mistouch if there was no touch?

UPDATE: Jerry Coyne is spreading the idea that the tape was faked!
Apparently the video showing Acosta touching the aide was DOCTORED by the White House to make it look as if he gave the woman a hand chop. 
I know Coyne is often, well, uncareful with facts but this is pretty funny. There's a Reuters watermark in the video; maybe Reuters done it! Buffoon.

More on this doctoring charge. Buzzfeed explains. I knew all this, so surely people at CNN do. Watch the real video.

Hilarious. CNN shows video but cuts it off just before the contact!

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