Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Britain famously has an “unwritten” constitution. All that really means is that there isn’t an explicit one in writing. America has a written constitution, but it too has an unwritten one, norms and standards without which the written cannot function. I believe that it is under attack. You discard it at your peril. This week seems like a Rubicon in the making.

UPDATE: This expresses some of my concerns well. Ford seems, to me, sincere. She seems to believe what she says. But that does not make her right, it just means she trusts her memory. This could easily be a false or mistaken memory, in any of several ways. That she named several witnesses, and that they all, all, contradict her suggests to me that her memory is at fault. This is why corroboration is important, and probing questions essential. There is no logical contradiction between believing she was attacked and believing it was not Kavanaugh.

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